The following script tries to reproduce one algorithm from the paper titled Explaining prediction models and individual predictions

You can have a look at the resultant json here

The json would have record level information of each feature and its impact on the prediction.

import os
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
import numpy as np
from typing import List
import json, joblib

# The feature importances for each data instance 
# are calculated with four random samples drawn from the data
# I also tried to use numba to compile to machine code but could
# not achieve it

file_path = '.'

# LOAD your model
model = joblib.load(os.path.join(file_path, 'model_pipeline.joblib'))

# Bring in the data training and testing data
X_train = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(file_path, 'train.csv'), index_col=0)
X_test = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(file_path, 'test.csv'), index_col=0)

# TODO try to complete numba usage
# @numba.jit(nopython=True)
def shuffle_feature_records(
    full_data: np.array,
    feature_data: np.array,
    feature_index: int,
    m: int) -> List[np.array]:
    Randomly selects `m` no of records to compare and calculate feature importances
    feat_len = len(feature_data)
    feature_indices = np.arange(0, feat_len, dtype=np.uint8)
    # take random indices
    rand_indices = np.random.choice(full_data.shape[0], m, replace=False)

    # take random samples
    w = full_data[rand_indices]

    b1_vec: np.array = np.empty((m, feat_len), dtype=np.object)
    b2_vec: np.array = np.empty((m, feat_len), dtype=np.object)

    for i in np.arange(0, m):

        del_index = np.argwhere(feature_indices==feature_index)

        indices = np.delete(feature_indices, del_index)
        # remove current feature index to add later

        split_pt = indices.shape[0]//2

        # split indices for 2 different vectors
        ind_x, ind_w = indices[:split_pt], indices[split_pt:]

        # form the indices for b1 and b2 vectors
        ind_x_1 = np.append(ind_x, feature_index)
        ind_w_1 = np.append(ind_w, feature_index)

        # to ensure the features are assigned in the order of training data
        b1_sort_indices = np.argsort(np.append(ind_x, ind_w_1))
        b2_sort_indices = np.argsort(np.append(ind_x_1, ind_w))

        b1_vec[i] = np.concatenate((feature_data[ind_x], w[i, ind_w_1]), axis=0)[b1_sort_indices]
        b2_vec[i] = np.concatenate((feature_data[ind_x_1], w[i, ind_w]), axis=0)[b2_sort_indices]

    arrs = [b1_vec, b2_vec]

    return arrs

def get_feat_imp_data(
    model: Pipeline,
    X_train: pd.DataFrame,
    X_test: pd.DataFrame) -> dict:
    Loops over the available data and sends them for calculation
    # Get features for 100 records
    tr_data = X_train[X_train['id'].isin(range(0, 101))].copy()
    te_data = X_test[X_test['id'].isin(range(0, 101))].copy()

    # join all the data
    data = pd.concat([tr_data, te_data], axis='rows')

    cols = data.columns.tolist()

    feat_imp = {}
    # send them one by one to calculate
    for d in data.values:
        col_imp = {}
        for feat_index in range(data.shape[1]):
            b1, b2 = shuffle_feature_records(X_train.values, d, feature_index=feat_index, m=4)
            b1 = pd.DataFrame(b1, columns=cols)
            b2 = pd.DataFrame(b2, columns=cols)
            b1_pred = model.predict(b1)
            b2_pred = model.predict(b2)
            col_imp[cols[feat_index]] = np.sum(b1_pred - b2_pred) / 4

        feat_imp[d[0]] = col_imp

    return feat_imp

feats = get_feat_imp_data(model, X_train, X_test)

with open('feat_imps_1.json', 'w') as f:
    json.dump(feats, f)