Wiki data extraction
- Setup
- Data Extraction
- Preprocessing
- Store the output in compressed format
- Clean up the downloaded files, (if required)
This post explains how I downloaded and extracted wiki dump archive using wikiextractor.
This code was used on a kaggle environment, which can be found here. You can fork and change as per your needs.
Import required libraries
# For JSON data extraction
import json
# For path manipulations
from pathlib import Path
# For preprocessing
import string
# For deleting files and folders
import shutil
# To clone necessary files
import git
# To download the dump
import requests as req
# To use wikiextractor
import subprocess
# To clean and process data
import pandas as pd
Setup output paths
DATA_PATH = Path('/kaggle/working/')
Data Extraction
Request file from wikipedia.
You can use a different link here.
bzip_file = req.get('')
Save request content to a file
with open(DATA_PATH/'tawiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2', 'wb') as f:
Clone wiki extractor from github
Thanks to attardi and GitPython
Use wikiextractor to get data from the dump
This runs the wikiextractor cloned from github.
run_stat =
# File to run
# Processing parameters to get as json
'-s', '--json',
# Directory to store Extracted text
'-o', str(DATA_PATH/'extracted'),
# Archive file to extract from
Get list of files extracted from the extraction folder
files_extracted = [str(f) for f in EXTRACTED_PATH.rglob("*/*")]
Load json data from the files, since all files are stored as json we can load them like below, This gives us a list of dictionaries
lang_text = [json.loads(line)
for _file in files_extracted
for line in open(_file)]
or this
lang_text = []
for _file in files_extracted:
with open(_file, 'r') as f:
file_lines = f.readlines()
for line in file_lines:
You can use any of the following, or skip the preprocessing altogether if you wish so.
Filter English words from text
Check each word after removing their punctuations, if it is an english word
filter_english = lambda text: ' '.join([
word for word in text.split()
if word.translate(str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)).isalpha() is False
def filter_english(text):
words = []
# Spltting words
for word in text.split():
# Replace symbols
trans_table = str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)
word = word.translate(trans_table)
if not word.isalpha():
return ' '.join(words)
Form dataframe and apply preprocessing
# Since we have a list of dictionaries.
lang_df = pd.DataFrame(lang_text)
lang_df['text'] = lang_df['text'].apply(filter_english)
Store the output in compressed format
lang_df.to_csv(DATA_PATH/'filtered_data.csv.tar.gz', header=True)
The above saved file can be loaded with pd.read_csv
You can find the full code for this in Github gist or with the output in kaggle.
Clean up the downloaded files, (if required)